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Permit Services

  • Coordination support for regional Permit Coordinator Groups (meeting organization, distribute meeting information and presentations, host zoom meetings,
  • Respond to specific permit assistance requests by permitted jurisdictions requiring assistance with items specific to their jurisdiction. Such services include but are not limited to resource lists, phase II contacts, and G20 compliance
  • Partnership with permittees on grants projects that benefits a broader number permittee
  • Biweekly bulletins on relevant municipal stormwater topics (including news, training opportunities, permittee requests for information, job announcements, etc.).
  • Solicit success/lessons learned stories from permittees to be featured on the WSC municipal web page.
  • Organize and facilitate virtual and on-line training opportunities
  • Project management
  • Maintain a municipal resource repository
Noteworthy News

Peer To Peer Sharing

July 11, 2024

Stormwater Strategic Initiative Releases 3rd Investment Plan

July 10, 2024

Recap of Ecology's ISGP Workshops

May 22, 2024

Join us on Zoom for an ISGP Draft Permit Discussion